Video Embedding Tutorial

Videos can be added into a website through embedding them from a video hosting service. Following you will find a tutorial that will help you learn how to do it, so that you can make your website a lot more interesting.

Step 1. First things first, you must find the video you'd like to embed into your website. Under the video, you will find lots of things you can do with it... For example; liking the video, sharing the video, or saving it. You need to click on the share button.

Step 2. Now that you're in the share section, you will find multiple ways to share the video. In order to embed the video into your website, you will need to press the first option that shows the brackets. The one that is labeled embed.

Step 3. Now you should find a pop-up of the video, and it's options for embedding on the right side. These options (circled in yellow) allow you to have player controls, let you choose when to start the video, and whether you'd like to enable enhanced privacy mode. In this case, the only thing selected is player controls, which is usually automatically chosen for you. Once you're finished with the embed options, click the copy button (circled in red) in the bottom right corner.

Step 4. Now that you've clicked copy, all you need to do is paste the video into your code.

This is an example of an embedded video.